Every woman is U.N.I.Q.U.E.
Genetics, lifestyle, weight, metabolism, hormone levels, toxic exposures, personalities, stress levels, family history, sleep patterns, work and relationships, all factor into what makes each women who she is and contribute to health status.
An imbalance in any of these areas can lead to symptoms. Symptoms are clues that something is wrong and shouldn’t be dismissed or covered up. Over time, these clues get harder to trace to their root cause and left unmanaged, CAN lead to chronic illness and cancer.
All to often women are left feeling as if their concerns are not valid, that they are not heard or simply dismissed.
Don’t ignore the clues, trust your intuition when something “isn't right”.
Common Struggles for Women Functional Medicine can Address
Weight Gain
Gut Health
Brain Fog
Autoimmune Conditions
Anxiety & Depression
Cancer Prevention and Recovery
The body is resilient when given what it needs.
The Science Proves Women Are Different:
✔️ Women’s hormones fluctuate daily. Standard lab ranges don’t account for these natural cycles, leading to dismissive diagnoses.
✔️ Hormonal migraines affect 3x more women than men, yet most providers overlook the connection between estrogen, progesterone, and inflammation.
✔️ Thyroid disorders are 5-8x more common in women, but most providers only check TSH—missing early dysfunction.
✔️ 80% of autoimmune conditions occur in women, yet symptoms are often dismissed as stress or anxiety.
✔️ Perimenopause can start in your 30s, but most providers don’t test for it until you’re deep into your 40s.
✔️ Women are more prone to nutrient deficiencies like iron, magnesium, and B vitamins—key nutrients that affect energy, mood, and migraines.
The answer? A Functional Approach Designed for Women.
Get Real Answers with Advanced Functional Testing
Instead of generic tests that overlook key markers, let’s start with a lab panel and review that evaluates what is impacting your well-being, giving you a full-body health check designed for women.
Functional Medicine for Women
Functional Medicine allows a women to be heard, to identify the root cause of their concerns and offers real solutions.
Functional medicine is NOT about prescribing more medicine to cover up symptoms or labeling women with a diagnosis.
Functional Medicine addresses not just the body, but the mind and spirit. Listening to the person, not just chasing the "the diagnosis".
Functional Medicine focuses on your life and what makes you who you are, as well as what is causing any imbalance and how to correct that within your life.
Functional Medicine goes beyond standard labs, digs a little deeper, and looks at information from a different perspective and provides you with solutions to treat the cause.
You will not be simply dismissed with “everything’s normal”.
Hello! I’m Marcia Jones, NP.
I am a Certified Functional Medical Practitioner, specializing in Hormone Focused Care for women.
Every day I see the impact that hormone imbalance has had on a woman’s life.
I see the frustration and at times the devastation. Your entire life can be shaken by the effects of imbalance when feeling out of control of your emotions and unable to be fully present in your life.
I love giving hope and solutions to women who have searched desperately for answers and help, feeling unheard or dismissed by traditional healthcare.
Functional Medicine For Every Woman
Disease, cancer and chronic illness are the result of a body that is impaired and can no longer adapt and overcome to protect itself.
HEALTH is a body in balance.
To address each woman's unique needs for health, cancer care, hormone imbalance, immune dysfunction, gut health, depression, fatigue and other chronic conditions, Marcia Jones, NP created her own signature formula.
The U.N.I.Q.U.E. Women Method
is your personalized, functional medicine roadmap designed to address the specific challenges women face—from gut health and hormonal imbalances to burnout.
It’s a journey of:
U.nlocking your full health story
N.ourishing your body and mind
I.ndividualizing your care plan
Q.uesting for the root causes
U.nderstanding your unique blueprint and finally
E.volving into a vibrant, empowered state of wellness