Exploring Bio-Identical Hormones

Hormone Replacement Therapy is A Hot Topic and VERY Controversial.

Hormone imbalance can impact every part of a woman’s life. There are many factors that can cause imbalance, including age, surgery, environment, foods and stress.

Hormonal Imbalance =


Mood Swings



Poor Sleep

Decreased Productivity

Increased Risk for Cancer


Low libido

Chronic pain

Weight Gain

Hormone Balance=


Weight Control

Improved Sleep

Inner Peace

Balance Moods


Empowerment to take on Your Goals

The strength to face and figt any challenges that present.

Overall Health

A Strong Immune System

A decreased risk of developing hormone related cancers

If lifestyle changes aren’t enough to completely balance hormones, bio-identical hormones are an option.

Understanding Bio-Identical Hormones:

Bio-identical hormones, also known as natural or body-identical hormones, are compounds that have the same chemical structure as the hormones produced naturally in the human body. This is in contrast to synthetic hormones, which have a similar but not identical structure. Bio-identical hormones are typically derived from natural sources such as yams or soy.

Benefits of Bio-Identical Hormones:

  1. Customized Treatment: Bio-identical hormones can be tailored to match an individual's unique hormonal needs. This personalized approach is crucial for women with endometriosis, as their hormonal imbalances may vary widely.

  2. Reduced Risk of Adverse Effects: Since bio-identical hormones closely mimic the body's natural hormones, they may result in fewer side effects compared to synthetic hormones.

  3. Balanced Hormone Levels: Bio-identical hormones can help restore hormonal balance, potentially alleviating symptoms associated with endometriosis, such as pain, heavy bleeding, and mood swings.

  4. Potential for Targeted Treatment: Some studies suggest that bio-identical hormones can be formulated to target specific hormone receptors, which may be beneficial for managing endometriosis-related symptoms.

How To Know If You Are A Candidate:

  1. Consultation with a Healthcare Provider: Before starting any hormone replacement therapy, it's crucial to consult with a knowledgeable healthcare provider. A skilled provider in hormone management like Marcia Jones, NP can assess your hormonal profile, medical history, and discuss potential benefits and risks.

  2. Monitoring and Adjustments: Regular monitoring of hormone levels is essential to ensure the treatment is effective and safe. Adjustments may be necessary based on the individual's response.

  3. Comprehensive Approach: Bio-identical hormone therapy should be part of a comprehensive treatment plan. This may include lifestyle changes, dietary modifications, and other therapies.

Bio-identical hormones offer a promising alternative for women who are seeking hormonal balance. However, it's important to approach this treatment option with caution and under the guidance of a qualified healthcare provider. By customizing hormone replacement therapy, women may find relief from their symptoms and a renewed sense of well-being.

Always remember, what works best for one person may not be the same for another, so individualized care is key.

Take the first step towards reclaiming your hormonal health. Visit MARCIA JONES, NP Clinic, and unlock a world of possibilities! 

Book your consultation today and discover the difference our female-focused hormone clinic can make in your life.

Marcia Jones, NP offers one on one consultations and comprehensive on demand programs, including Health Interventions for Cancer, designed to help support the immune system, repair, rebuild and recover throughout your cancer journey. 

Health Interventions with Marcia Jones, NP is a lifestyle resource that brings together real life solutions to healthy living, including recipes, cooking tips, motivation and so much more. 

Marcia Jones, NP offers a Hormone Focused Functional Medicine Clinic that Empowers Women to Live a Life of Vitality and Reduce Their Risk of Hormone-Related Cancers.


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