90% of Breast Cancer is Preventable!?

Almost 90% of Breast Cancers are Preventable!



Yes, it is true. Breast Cancer CAN be prevented.


I am sure I sound a little full of myself with a statement like that, but trust me, I know a few things. 


It's all about the hormones. And probably not the ones you think. Estrogen is high on the list, but doesn't cause cancer alone.  


Breast cancer is on the rise...and FAST! You have the power to change it all. You don't have to get cancer.  


I can help you understand it all and show you how to protect yourself. 


If you are interested in Hormone Focused Cancer Care that looks for the root cause of cancer instead of just waiting for it to happen, let's talk. 


It doesn't cost you a thing to get a 15 minute discovery call.  


Book Here! 


Want to know a little more about what I offer for cancer care? 




Blessings In Health!

Marcia Jones, NP

Marcia Jones, NP offers a Hormone Focused Functional Medicine Clinic , replacing fear, uncertainty and despair with answers, guidance and HOPE.


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