Functional Resources

To find balance in every woman’s life .

Is Your Misery Ruining Your Relationship?
Marcia Jones, NP Marcia Jones, NP

Is Your Misery Ruining Your Relationship?

Marriage and Life Partnerships are a journey filled with highs and lows, and while many factors contribute to its success or struggle, the impact of stress, burnout and hormone imbalance often goes overlooked as a contributing factor with a solution.

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"I was diagnosed with breast cancer 2 years ago and went through all of the recommended treatments. My oncologist had no recommendations for me to prevent a recurrence other than keep my annual appointments and get mammograms. I am honestly terrified of my cancer returning. The thoughts consumed my life and I desperately needed help to overcome my fears and answers to my questions of what I could do. Thank you so much Marcia for listening to me, answering my questions, and getting me on the path to cancer recovery. I can actually sleep at night now, knowing you are there for me."