Guacamole: Health Interventions in Nutrition


Avocado Is a Therapeutic Power Food.

Avocados have healthy fats, Vitamin E, fiber and are very dense in nutrients. Magnesium, B6, and Potassium. Avocados are anti-inflamamtory and antioxidant.

1 Whole Acocado, Soft Preferred

4-6 Cherry Tomatoes

2 tbsp fresh cilantro

1/2 lime- squeeze juice

Salt to taste

Cut the avocado in half, remove the seed. Scoop out the insides, mash up in a bowl. Cut Dice tomatoes into small pieces and add into bowl. Chop cilantro and add in. Squeeze the juice of 1/2 lime over all. Sprinkle with salt. Mix all together. Enjoy

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Marcia Jones, NP offers one on one consultations and comprehensive on demand programs, including Health Interventions for Cancer, designed to help support the immune system, repair, rebuild and recover throughout your cancer journey. 

Health Interventions with Marcia Jones, NP is a lifestyle resource that brings together real life solutions to healthy living, including recipes, cooking tips, motivation and so much more. 

Marcia Jones, NP offers a Hormone Focused Functional Medicine Clinic that Empowers Women to Live a Life of Vitality and Reduce Their Risk of Hormone-Related Cancers.


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