New Book Released!

Health Interventions with Marcia Jones, NP is about helping you to make better choices in your life every day to improve your health.

Health Interventions in Nutrition is about using food to get the nutrients you need to keep your immune system strong, balance hormones, maintain a healthy weight, lower insulin levels, decrease inflammation and prevent long term health conditions.

Educating patients in the clinic to make lifestyle changes that would make difference in health was challenging. There was never enough time. Learning how to prepare healthy meals was the biggest struggle patients had in achieving their health goals, so Marcia’s kitchen became the center of education. Meals were prepared in that kitchen, with the help of her family, and brought to all who needed a few “health interventions” in their life on social media.

Health Interventions in Nutrition now brings a collection of those original recipes to print. Learn how to prepare classic favorites in a new, healthier way and try a few new flavors.

It is so important to get a wide variety of nutrients from real food, without added chemicals, colors, preservatives and other toxic additives found in processed foods.

Enjoy this introduction to Health Interventions in Nutrition. Feel free to add your own pizzazz to the recipes. Play with the flavors and seasonings to get what you like. Start with the recipe as a foundation and then make it your own creation... just be sure to keep it healthy!

You can order HERE!

Blessing For Your Health,

Marcia Jones, NP, IFMCP

P.S. This book is just the beginning to a series of Health Interventions! The best is yet to come with the next book. Health Interventions In Cancer that will dive into hormones, cancer and the right nutrition to starve out cancer cells as you fuel your body.

Take the first step towards reclaiming your hormonal health. Visit MARCIA JONES, NP Clinic, and unlock a world of possibilities! 

Book your consultation today and discover the difference our female-focused hormone clinic can make in your life.

Marcia Jones, NP offers one on one consultations and comprehensive on demand programs, including Health Interventions for Cancer, designed to help support the immune system, repair, rebuild and recover throughout your cancer journey. 

Health Interventions with Marcia Jones, NP is a lifestyle resource that brings together real life solutions to healthy living, including recipes, cooking tips, motivation and so much more. 

Marcia Jones, NP offers a Hormone Focused Functional Medicine Clinic that Empowers Women to Live a Life of Vitality and Reduce Their Risk of Hormone-Related Cancers.


Thyme Chicken w. Tomato Cream Sauce


FemGuard + Balance