Functional Resources

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The Inspiring Cancer Journey of Sandy Burkart
Marcia Jones, NP Marcia Jones, NP

The Inspiring Cancer Journey of Sandy Burkart

It only takes one person to make an impact on thousands of lives. Sandy Burkart is on of those amazing souls. Sandy that let her faith lead her through her journey with cancer and with that faith she helped thousands of others diagnosed with cancer.

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"I was diagnosed with breast cancer 2 years ago and went through all of the recommended treatments. My oncologist had no recommendations for me to prevent a recurrence other than keep my annual appointments and get mammograms. I am honestly terrified of my cancer returning. The thoughts consumed my life and I desperately needed help to overcome my fears and answers to my questions of what I could do. Thank you so much Marcia for listening to me, answering my questions, and getting me on the path to cancer recovery. I can actually sleep at night now, knowing you are there for me."