The Inspiring Cancer Journey of Sandy Burkart

It only takes one person to make an impact on thousands of lives. Sandy Burkart was one of those amazing souls that impacted many lives. Sandy let her faith lead her through her journey with cancer and with that faith, she helped thousands of others diagnosed with cancer.

I was blessed to meet this beautiful woman during the last year of her life. Sandy found my IV clinic that provided the Vitamin C infusions she needed as part of her cancer treatment. We instantly became friends. We talked about cancer in general, her story, conventional cancer treatments, natural and alternative cancer treatment options, her work with others diagnosed with cancer, her family and her faith in God.

Sandy and I talked for hours about so many things. She validated and fueled my passion for the Functional Medicine way of providing care. Working on the body, the spirit, the mind, treating the cause, nourishing the body correctly, going beyond the standard care and educating on the why and the how. We both agreed whole heartedly there needed to be more Functional and Integrative Medicine based treatments incorporated into cancer care to improve survival and quality of life.

Her belief in God and optimism were so inspiring and contagious. Her faith and commitment to her treatment program for cancer gave her an additional 6 years of life with her precious family.

Sandy was diagnosed and treated for breast cancer with standard conventional treatments and told her cancer “cured”. She followed with her oncologist annually, just as she was told. In addition to annual follow ups with her oncologist, Sandy began seeing a naturopathic doctor. During a regular visit and lab review, her naturopath noted some concerning lab results suggestive of her cancer returning and advised she discuss this with her oncologist. When she she brought this to her oncologist’s attention, her concerns were dismissed and not taken as credible because it was from a “natural” doctor.

Sandy was not about to take that as a final opinion. She continued to follow with her naturopath and pursue further testing. You see, her oncologist had not done any labs or imaging in all of the follow up appointments she attended, yet continued to tell her she was cured. Finally, SHE convinced her oncologist to order a CT scan. The results found that her naturopath was correct. The cancer had returned…and had now metastasized to her liver. Stage 4 cancer was the diagnosis. The oncologist that would not listen to her, now told her she was terminal.

Once again, Sandy refused to just accept that she was going die and there was nothing that she could do about it. She had a family. She had faith in God and she sought out other treatment. She received treatment at a holistic cancer center in Mexico and with their guidance and the guidance of her naturopath she lived an additional 6 years. Those years were GOOD years. not “sick” years. Her oncologist denied it had anything to do with her holistic therapies.

Her treatments included nutritional, spiritual, emotional and alternative modalities such as infrared sauna, oxygen, supplements and IV Vitamin C for the nourishment and support of her body as a whole. This is how she THRIVED an additional 6 years.

Sandy never complained. She always smiled and tried to help others. Sandy started a Bible study with fellow cancer patients which reached people all over the world. She shared resources for treatments beyond conventional medicine and was passionate about seeking therapies beyond conventional cancer treatments. She created a cancer Cancer and You: A New Beginning Facebook page and blog, as well as Cancer Prevention, Remission Health & Wellness Facebook group where she shared information and uplifting messages and posts.

Sandy has been a vital part of the Health Interventions For Cancer program I have created and will continue to develop so that others may have access to the treatment options few are even aware of. In Sandy’s honor, I will do my best to contribute to her legacy and serve others in their journey with true compassion.

Cancer truly is a journey and no two people are the same.

The last thing Sandy said to me was “I now God has healed me” and I knew He had. Her healing was complete when she got eternal life with Him.

For A One on One Consultation with Marcia Jones, NP Book Here:


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