Functional Resources

To find balance in every woman’s life .

I Found a Lump. Now What?
Marcia Jones, NP Marcia Jones, NP

I Found a Lump. Now What?

Finding a lump can be terrifying to a woman. We will explore the different types of breast lumps, some of the causes and what you can do for "normal lumps" as well as lumps diagnosed as cancer.

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In the Spotlight: Pregnenolone
Marcia Jones, NP Marcia Jones, NP

In the Spotlight: Pregnenolone

Pregnenolone is a precursor to hormones necessary for a variety of functions in the human body. Based on the body’s demands, pregnenolone can be converted into many hormones including dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), progesterone, estrogens, testosterone, cortisol, and aldosterone.

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The I Want Answers Program
Marcia Jones, NP Marcia Jones, NP

The I Want Answers Program

Get answers to the source of your symptoms. Find the root of your health concerns and look deep into the hormones that you may not have even known existed.

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Cinnamon Pecans
Marcia Jones, NP Marcia Jones, NP

Cinnamon Pecans

All the scents of a cozy home in fall. Cinnamon pecans fill you home with the aroma happiness and your body with fiber, magnesium and protein.

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Thyme Chicken w. Tomato Cream Sauce
Marcia Jones, NP Marcia Jones, NP

Thyme Chicken w. Tomato Cream Sauce

Thyme Chicken w. Tomato Cream Sauce. Thyme contains compounds known as phytoestrogens and is a rich source of antioxidants, such as rosmarinic acid, which help decrease oxidative stress and protect cells from damage by neutralizing harmful free radicals.

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The Power of Mushrooms
Marcia Jones, NP Marcia Jones, NP

The Power of Mushrooms

Mushrooms offer several benefits, both in terms of their nutritional value and medicinal. Cancer fighting, immune boosting goodness.

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The Sweet Solution: Mangos for Hormone Balance
Nutrition Marcia Jones, NP Nutrition Marcia Jones, NP

The Sweet Solution: Mangos for Hormone Balance

When it comes to maintaining hormonal equilibrium, a surprising ally can be found in the tropical and delicious mango. Bursting with flavor, this succulent fruit not only tantalizes your taste buds but also offers a range of health benefits, including supporting hormone balance. Discover the ways mangos contribute to hormonal harmony.

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Guacamole: Health Interventions in Nutrition
Marcia Jones, NP Marcia Jones, NP

Guacamole: Health Interventions in Nutrition

Avocado Is a Therapeutic Power Food. Avocados have healthy fats, Vitamin E, fiber and are very dense in nutrients. Magnesium, B6, and Potassium. Avocados are anti-inflamamtory and antioxidant.

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"I was diagnosed with breast cancer 2 years ago and went through all of the recommended treatments. My oncologist had no recommendations for me to prevent a recurrence other than keep my annual appointments and get mammograms. I am honestly terrified of my cancer returning. The thoughts consumed my life and I desperately needed help to overcome my fears and answers to my questions of what I could do. Thank you so much Marcia for listening to me, answering my questions, and getting me on the path to cancer recovery. I can actually sleep at night now, knowing you are there for me."